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August 23, 2005


Dear Pee Wee Dragon “Senior Red” Cheerleaders & Parents,


Welcome to a fun-filled Cheerleading Season!  Your coaches this year are Cindy Thomas, Michale Anne Stone, and Wendy Connerly.  I hope you’re as excited as we are!  Following are some housekeeping and other informational items for your reference to have a safe and fun year!


v     Coaches

Ø      Cindy Thomas (a.k.a. Lindsey & Brooke’s mom)

§  Email – southlakedragoncheer@yahoo.com

Ø      Michale Anne Stone (a.k.a. Catie’s mom)

§   Email  - m.a.stone@charter.net

Ø      Wendy Connerly (a.k.a. Macy's mom)

§   Email – wwconnerly@aol.com

v     Practices

Ø      When: Mondays, from 5:30pm-6:30pm, through October, except on holidays.  In addition, we’ll also practice on Fridays prior to our 1st game. Please be on time – we have lots to learn!

§         Aug 23 (party), 29

§         Sep 6, 9, 12, 19, 26

§         Oct 3, 11, 17, 24

Ø      Where: field behind Eubanks Intermediate School (Kimball Rd)

Ø      Bring: Water bottle, Pom Poms, Smile (*please wear tennis shoes)

v     Cheer Clinic

Ø       When: Saturday, Aug 27, 8:30am-3:00pm, Carroll Sr High Field House

Ø       Bring: Water, sack lunch, medical release -varsity.com/medrelease_0405.pdf

Ø       Parents are invited back at 2:30pm to watch the girls perform some of the cheers and dances learned during the clinic.

v     Team/Individual Cheer Photos

Ø      When: Sunday, Sep 11th , 6:50pm, Carroll Middle School field

Ø      Package Info:  www.csptexas.net, user name - SPWFA, password - football357

v     Games

Ø      Schedule: First game is Sep 10th, with the last regular season game on Oct 29th.  Playoffs are scheduled to begin on Nov 5th, with winner advancing to the Super Bowl on Nov 12th . (Game schedule will be distributed when received.)

Ø      Time: Please arrive 30 minutes prior to kick-off, so we can get organized and get onto the field with our run-through banner, etc.

Ø      Bring: Water bottle, Bucket Seat, Megaphone (if owned), & Snacks/Touchdown throws (as scheduled)

Ø      Bucket Seat: A 5-gallon decorated bucket is used as a seat to rest on during the game.  It’s also a handy container for the cheer stuff!

Ø      Snacks: As scheduled, please bring drinks and healthy snacks such as fruit, and try to avoid salty and sugar-loaded snacks. A snack schedule will be distributed.

Ø      Touchdown Throws: These consist of a few pieces of candy wrapped in cellophane, etc. As scheduled, please bring approx. 40 touchdown throws for the cheerleaders to throw when our team scores touchdowns and as opposing cheer gifts.  Due to the Texas heat, please try to avoid candy that melts.

Ø      Breaks: We'll rest and have snacks following our half-time performance through the first 10 minutes of the 3rd quarter.

Ø      Restroom Breaks: For safety reasons, cheerleaders must be accompanied with an adult to go to the restroom.  We may need your help to escort the girls.

Ø      Safety: For safety reasons, cheerleaders will only be permitted to go into the stands during breaks or for illness/emergency reasons.  Only those registered in the association are allowed on the track/field, due to insurance reasons.

Ø      Run-Through Banners: We have our banner that Tara graciously made for us last year, so we'll be using it again this year for pre-game and following half-time.

v     Homecoming Parade

Ø      Parade: We will participate in the HS Homecoming Parade!

Ø      When: Wed, Oct 5th, 7pm (details TBA)

Ø      Bring:  2 bags of candy to throw (only if we walk)

Ø      Wear:  Uniform

Ø      Homecoming Mums can be ordered for $15 ea.

v     Socials

Ø      Optional Monthly Social: While everyone loves game-time, another big part of cheering is the friendship and camaraderie.  These events are optional and will be at your own expense.

Ø      Dates/Theme:

§         Aug 23rd – “Cheer Kick-off Pool Party”  Please meet at the Stone's house, 900 Hanover Dr, for a pool party from 5:30pm-7:00pm.  We’ll have pizza, desserts, and drinks.

§         Sep 19th – “I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream”  After a short practice, we’ll head over to Milwaukee Joe’s in Southlake Towne Square for some “cool” fun with friends!

§         Oct 24th – Perform at a Senior Center (Details TBA)

§         Nov 14th  - Cheer End-of-Season Party (Details TBA)

v     High School Dragons

Ø      Pee Wee Dragon Night: At Dragon stadium  (Details TBA)

Ø      High School Homecoming: Show your spirit on Friday, Oct 7th, and wear your uniform to the High School Homecoming game.

Ø      Reminder, girls may wear their uniforms to school every Friday


Please let a coach know if you’re unable to attend a practice or other event, so we can plan accordingly. We’re looking forward to a super season!  If you have any questions or suggestions, please call us!



Cindy, Michale Anne, and Wendy



Updates at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:
10/24, 5:45PM, Nursing Home Performance
10/29, Game, 6PM, Home (Snacks - Brooke)
11/5, Playoff Game, tba
11/12, Super Bowl Game, tba

Coach Cindy with Brooke and Lindsey

Coach Stone with Catie